
Redistricting Minnesota: A New And Better Solution Emerges

April 10, 2019

Last Thursday at Drinking Liberally Minneapolis we were treated to a discussion of the census, redistricting, how redistricting is done in Minnesota, and how it could be done better. Topics like this are what the kids these days refer to as “click bait” and what has made Drinking Liberally Minneapolis such a hot ticket. This […]

Endorsing Ron Erhardt

March 8, 2016

The other members of the SD49 delegation endorse Ron

Welcome to the town hall meeting!

April 22, 2014

Senator Melisa Franzen (SD49) and Representative Ron Erhardt (HD49A) held a mid-session town hall meeting at the Edina Community Center on April 21st. Addressing the young crowd in attendance, the two legislators described some of the accomplishments of the session thus far: the anti-bullying bill and the minimum wage bill. There was some discussion of […]

Minnesota State Capitol

LeftMN interview with Melisa Franzen

May 16, 2013

On marriage equality, the anti-bullying bill, and a gas tax increase

Geoff Michel’s famous last words

November 9, 2012

“When pigs fly,” says Geoff

A historic night in Edina and all of SD49

November 7, 2012

In the new SD49, three DFLers are elected

Why is everybody always pickin’ on Keith Downey?

November 5, 2012

And Linda Runbeck, for one, has had it up to HERE with that!

Tweedle Kurt and Tweedle Keith II

October 30, 2012

The original story linking Kurt Bills and Keith Downey — and explaining why there isn’t a nickel’s worth of difference between them —  can be found here. I have been trying to reach Keith Downey by email, at his House email address and at his campaign email address, for weeks. I’ve been trying to reach him by […]

Keith (Downey) the Dirty

September 28, 2012

A new award for Keith Downey

A young people’s rally to defeat Keith Downey

September 26, 2012

October 3rd, 4:30 PM, at Wooddale Park in Edina

Asking Keith Downey

September 25, 2012

Because he won’t respond to LeftMN

Keith the snookered

September 5, 2012

Who’s really the amateur here?