Capitol steps

The Weekly Wrap 5-25

May 25, 2013

♣ Almost immediately after announcing his support for the now passed into law Marriage equality bill, Joe Radinovich, a DFL Representative from Crosby, faced the threat of a recall. Earlier this week Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lori Gildea ruled, “not so much.” Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Lori Gildea has ruled that Reps. Joe Radinovich, DFL-Crosby, and John Ward, […]

Al Franken

Al Franken holds steady

May 22, 2013

A PPP poll shows him over 50% against a slew of GOPers

Michele Bachmann's mean face

The Weekly Wrap 5-18

May 18, 2013

♣ The big news this week was the passage through the Senate, and the signing by Governor Dayton, of the Marriage equality bill. That happened on Monday and Tuesday. The next day, Wednesday, Minnesotans United for All Families, the organization that was instrumental in the defeat of the Marriage amendment last November and in the […]

I know, let’s get Guy to do it!

May 1, 2013

Circumvention by any other name

420 Dinner

The Weekly Wrap 4-19

April 19, 2013

Are you going to the Humphrey-Mondale dinner on 4-20? If so, bring me back a brownie

Jim Graves

The Weekly Wrap 4-13

April 13, 2013

♣ Yet another Some Dude business type (the other being Scott Honour) has indicated that he might be running against Al Franken in 2014. Mike McFadden of the firm Lazard Middle Market has been meeting with political consultants and Republican Party leaders to talk about a possible run. The MNGOP really doesn’t have much of […]

Minneapolis Mayoral Debate Participants

The Weekly Wrap 3-29

March 29, 2013

♣ Michele Bachmann find herself in the news once again, this time not for things that she said, but rather things that she did or didn’t do on her way to finishing sixth in the Iowa caucuses: The Daily Beast has learned that federal investigators are now interviewing former Bachmann campaign staffers nationwide about alleged […]

LeftMN Radio Hour

LeftMN Radio Hour 3-24

March 24, 2013

Our guest this week is Stealing Home podcaster David Temple talking with us about the Minnesota Twins

Shelly at CPAC

The Weekly Wrap 3-22

March 22, 2013

Minnesota’s very own Michele Bachmann is the subject of much of the Wrap this week

Marriage Equality Rally

The Weekly Wrap 3-15

March 16, 2013

Marriage equality passed out of committees in the Senate and House this week

Doug Wardlow endorses Tom Emmer

February 7, 2013

The former legislator gets nostalgic for the former gubernatorial candidate

Is this proof of doping?

The Weekly Wrap 2-1

February 1, 2013

Bonus election results, happenings in the Minneapolis Mayors race, sad elephants and some fundraising reports