
Minnesota has another Crazy Michelle in Congress

February 8, 2021

It’s not quite the same. Former Rep. Michele Bachmann has just one “l” in her first name, while Rep. Michelle Fischbach’s parents went with the far more common spelling. That said, there was this: Two Republicans of the Minnesota Congressional Delegation, Reps. Michelle Fischbach and Jim Hagedorn, joined the six members of the Senate and […]

God has more words with Michele

October 7, 2015

Michele? . . . Michele! Where the hell are you, Michele? Oh, Marcus, don’t you dare swear at me! I’m not Marcus. Stop kidding, Marcus! I’m not kidding; I’m not Marcus. There you are: in the wine cellar you say you don’t have. [sharp intake of breath] Huuuuuuuuuuuh! An intruder! Don’t touch me; I’m armed! […]

How can you defame Larry Klayman?

February 19, 2015

It’s harder than it looks

Tom Emmer

Tom Emmer rides in a helicopter

October 15, 2014

Tom Emmer has a new television ad out touting how he will fix roads and bridges when he gets to Congress. After all, he did such a whiz bang job of it when he was in the Legislature. Well, not really. Anyone with half a memory will remember that Tom was one of Tim Pawlenty’s […]

Waiting for Dario, question 4

July 30, 2014

What’s your position on bullying?

Gaza: The Final Solution III

July 24, 2014

What’s up with the red cow, anyway?


Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation, Syria and 2014

September 7, 2013

[Editors Note: typically I do a Weekly Wrap™ on the weekends. This week I got about 600 words into the first item about the Syria vote and thought to myself (and here’s where the editor’s note goes even more meta), “self, you should just make this it’s own stand-alone post.” So that’s what this is. […]

Michele, Michele, Bo-Bell

July 30, 2013

Banana, fana, fo-fell


The Weekly Wrap 7-21

July 21, 2013

Talking money, candidates and lines on the map

Mark Ritchie

The Weekly Wrap 6-8

June 8, 2013

Candidates get into the Sixth district race, and a statewide seat opens up

Michele Bachmann preaches

The Imprecatory Prayer Hour

May 30, 2013

The perfect post-Congress employment for Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann preaches

Bachmann Out

May 29, 2013

Michele Bachmann announced she will not run for re-election to congress in 2014