Keith Downey takes a trip to a place long, long ago, and far, far away

March 25, 2014

The Mail Chimp, indeed

Jesse and Terry Ventura

The Weekly Wrap 9-16

September 16, 2012

It was a week of polls and ads. And then more polls and then more ads. The campaign season is officially in full swing.

Welcome to Minnesota

The huddled masses of Wisconsin

June 12, 2012

We’ll take your creative class, yearning to breathe free

Wisconsin Recall Election Live Blog

June 5, 2012

The polls have now closed and I’ll be live blogging the Wisconsin recall elections here. This is the link to the AP’s results page if you would like to follow along. There are six recall elections in total for Governor, Lt. Governor, and four state Senate seats in districts 13, 21, 23 and 29. The […]

Final Wisconsin Polling Roundup

June 5, 2012

Voting is today for Democrats, tomorrow for Republicans

More Wisconsin recall polls, only five days till election

June 1, 2012

With time running short in the Wisconsin recall election, the polls have begun to ever so slightly shift in Tom Barrett’s direction, the caveat to this, is that most of the recent polls to have come out have been released by groups supporting Tom Barrett. The public polls that have been released don’t paint the […]

Another day, another three (!) Wisconsin recall polls

May 25, 2012

Three more polls of the Gubernatorial recall in Wisconsin came out yesterday, after I had already published a post about five other polls that had come out in the previous couple of weeks. There was an internal poll for Tom Barrett. Garin Hart Yang (5/24, no trend lines): Scott Walker (R-inc) 50 Tom Barrett (D) […]

Wisconsin Recall Polling Roundup

May 24, 2012

With two weeks to go till election day, Walker maintains a slight lead

Passing the hat for Wisconsin at Drinking Liberally (on May 24th)

May 21, 2012

Since the DNC doesn’t want to