Ok, Grandma, pack your things; here’s a shopping bag

May 23, 2017

We’ll wheel you to the door

Dead man walking, part two

May 19, 2017

Et tu, Pence?

Dead man walking

May 18, 2017

Who the hell is Ken Dahlberg?

Trust us; we’re good for it

May 14, 2017

Minnesota’s mining regulators at the Land and Minerals Division of the Department of Natural Resources face a stiff test of fidelity to the citizens of Minnesota as described in an article by Josephine Marcotty in the Strib’s paper edition on May 14th. The issue is: what are the financial reserves that must be set aside […]

Crazy Uncle Jeff

May 13, 2017

Jefferson [Jackson Forrest Stuart] Beauregard Sessions III has concluded that we are entirely too lenient on non-violent drug offenders and that President Obama let a bunch of ’em — a lot of them black — get away, virtually scot-free after just a decade or two in the pen. Well, things are going to change under Jefferson [Forrest Stuart […]

Rebecca Otto speaks about mining policy at Drinking Liberally

May 11, 2017

State Auditor Rebecca Otto was the guest at Drinking Liberally on April 6th. She spoke about her run for governor next year, but she also spoke about her tenure as the state auditor and rejecting some non-ferrous mining leases as a member of the Executive Council of the state. Here’s a brief clip of her […]

The oath of office

May 11, 2017

And the Generalissimo is still dead

Chris Coleman talks about transportation at DL

May 10, 2017

St. Paul’s Mayor Chris Coleman was the guest at Drinking Liberally on April 27th. He mostly came to talk about being a candidate for governor in 2018, but he talked about the current legislative session, too. Here are a few of his remarks about transportation.

It’s illogical,” says Dusty – part two

May 6, 2017

A single story at LeftMN is not enough to contain the criticism of Dustin Brighton’s woolly-head screed against the collection of sales taxes on sales to Minnesotans by out-of-state internet stores. Of the move to require out-of-state retailers to collect taxes on sales to Minnesotans, Dusty bellows, “It’s discriminatory!” Really, though, it is the opposite […]

The rural healthcare pogrom

May 5, 2017

It won’t be news to anybody that the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare. Just as replacing Obama with Trump was a bad idea generally, this is, too. According to the linked Strib article, the bill faces a steeper climb in the Senate. It is interesting to note that […]

“It’s illogical,” says Dusty

May 5, 2017

There was an op-ed by a flack for internet retailers in the paper edition of the Strib on May 3rd. It concerned the entirely oppressive requirement, proposed by lawmakers, that out-of-state internet sellers collect sales taxes on sales to their Minnesota customers, just as the brick and mortar stores do. I don’t know how this […]

An unapologetic love letter to Historic Fort Snelling, part two – a reprise

May 5, 2017

2017 note: This is part two of my story from the end of the last legislative session about bond funding for the restoration of Historic Fort Snelling. The Minnesota Historical Society is trying again this year. o O o In part one, I described the bonding request from Historic Fort Snelling and the Minnesota Historical […]