McFadden: I am not Mittens!

May 8, 2014

But you know, Mike, now that you mention it

Remind yourself daily where the Roberts court is headed

May 8, 2014

Lewis never actually said that but he should have

Keith Ellison: Why I wrote this book

May 5, 2014

Keith Ellison talks about his book at Drinking Liberally from LEFT MN on Vimeo. Rep. Ellison described his book, “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” and what prompted him to write it when he spoke at Drinking Liberally on May 1st.

Keith Ellison on the Better Off Budget

May 3, 2014

Words from the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus

WMD lie < Benghazi question

May 2, 2014

Benghazi 4 more significant than WMD lie 4,802 in Iraq

Daudt says push kids – ooh, that’s a bully’s word, ‘push’

May 1, 2014

Rep. Daudt says the kids are the problem

Keith Ellison at Drinking Liberally

Keith Ellison at Drinking Liberally tomorrow, May the 1st

April 30, 2014

Tomorrow night, Thursday the first of May, Drinking Liberally Minneapolis will be joined by Minnesota’s fifth district US Congressman Keith Ellison. That’s him you see in the picture above. As the co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Congressman Ellison is among the country’s leading progressive voices in Washington and one of our favorite guests at […]

Who is Dario Anselmo?

April 30, 2014

See the correction at the foot of the story. Well first of all, he’s apparently a pal of the Dark Sith Lord named Money. He’s also a garden-variety Republican who wants better municipal services, but doesn’t want to pay for them. He used to own the Fine Line Music Cafe; here’s a little from the […]

Dave Paleologos

Suffolk University polls Minnesota for the first time

April 29, 2014

Suffolk University released a poll of the Minnesota political scene today. If you don’t look at many non-Minnesota polls you may be thinking, I’ve never heard of Suffolk, who are they? The Suffolk University Political Research Center in Boston, established in 2002, conducts statewide polls and bellwether survey analyses in Massachusetts, other states, and nationally. It examines […]

Well, isn’t that sweet II

April 29, 2014

[H]e laughed again and said, “The Americans brought electricity to my ass before they brought it to my house.” That’s a quote from a recent Truthout article about the Iraq Commission conference in Brussels convened to begin an international investigation of war crimes committed by US and coalition forces in Iraq. The Iraq Commission heard […]

A Spotty for pointing out a feat of legerdemain

April 28, 2014

Alex Hindin’s letter discussing the Strib’s Lee Schafer’s recent feat of legerdemain earns him the coveted Spotty™. Lee Schafer (“They vote Republican in the land of equality,” April 20) achieved what should be impossible — an extended discussion of voting patterns and income equality that ignores the prime determiner of both in America: race. The […]

Mary Franson

The Weekly Wrap 4-27

April 27, 2014

♣ Last week US Senate hopeful Mike McFadden continued to build on his burgeoning record of avoiding taking any stands on any issues. This week another Republican running for US Senate, Chris Dahlberg, decided to call him out for that: “As I’ve listened to the comments of Mike McFadden during this campaign, I’ve been stunned […]