Welcome to the town hall meeting!

April 22, 2014

Senator Melisa Franzen (SD49) and Representative Ron Erhardt (HD49A) held a mid-session town hall meeting at the Edina Community Center on April 21st. Addressing the young crowd in attendance, the two legislators described some of the accomplishments of the session thus far: the anti-bullying bill and the minimum wage bill. There was some discussion of […]

Mike McFadden

The Weekly Wrap 4-20

April 20, 2014

Because I’m a terrible, no good blogger, I did not write about the recent SurveyUSA poll that was released concerning the approval ratings of Minnesota’s incumbent Governor and Senator, Mark Dayton and Al Franken. So I will do that in the wrap, as well as touch on other topics of interest to the Minnesota political […]

Well, isn’t that sweet

April 17, 2014

Never you mind the protest, Condi

Tom Emmer

The Weekly Wrap 4-13

April 13, 2014

Fundraising numbers for the first quarter of 2014 are starting to roll in, so that will occupy the majority of the space in The Wrap™ this week. Occupying some of the other space in The Wrap™ this week is; news concerning the races in a couple of Minnesota Congressional seats and polling results concerning a […]

The Archbishop and the boyz are leery of the Girl Scouts

April 11, 2014

Afraid that girls want to be more than empty vessels for some guy’s seed

Let the little children suffer

April 9, 2014

By bringing them to me

Sen. Sean Neinow

The Weekly Wrap 4-6

April 6, 2014

♣ American Encore sponsored a poll of the Minnesota Senate race, conducted by Magellan Strategies, that resembles the following: Magellan (4/2, no trend lines): Al Franken (D-inc) 44 Julianne Ortman (R) 41 Some other candidate 6 Undecided 9 Al Franken (D-inc) 44 Mike McFadden (R) 38 Some other candidate 6 Undecided 12 (MoE: ±3%) This […]

Consider Roger Chamberlain

April 4, 2014

Lightly armed in the battle of wits

Bullshit and bellow: Deformers aim to destroy traditional schools of education

April 4, 2014

It’s pretty clear from a recent broadside published over at the website MinnPost that, like teachers’ unions, the education deformers also want to destroy Minnesota schools of education. Written in classic conservative movement* bullshit and bellow form, the MinnPost story breathlessly reports the pass/fail rate in professional tests for graduated education students for schools across […]

In an apparent economy move

March 31, 2014

“I know, let’s get Doug!”

Doc "Dan" Severson

The Weekly Wrap 3-30

March 30, 2014

The Wrap™ has been off for the last few weeks, taking a break from doing it’s wrappy thing. But now it’s back, but you know that, because you’re reading this post. To make up for the prolonged absence, the Wrap™ would like to present this picture of Julianne Ortman giving Sarah Palin the finger: And […]

Tom Bakk and Ann Rest

Troll Hard: The Tom Bakk and Ann Rest Story

March 29, 2014

There’s a bit of a kerfuffle going on right now between Senate DFLers and all other DFLers concerning the raising on the minimum wage. Maybe you’ve heard about this? If not, I’ll recap the story, broad brush stroke style. Last year the minimum wage did not get increased despite the desires of many people, some […]