Monti Moreno

Minnesota Republicans Seeking Nomination, Ranked

May 29, 2014

This post features ten items arranged in a list!

A month of Drinking Liberally

May 29, 2014

The next four weeks will be action packed at Drinking Liberally in Minneapolis. Tonight we’ll talk about the upcoming conventions for the DFL and the Republicans, and we’ll do it out on the patio, in the first honest-to-goodness “we can sit outside” DL of the season. Note: We will also be observing the 11th birthday […]

Mt. Kersten erupts!

May 27, 2014

Shorter Kersten: Sexual abuse by Catholic priests is bad, but

Jeff Johnson and the Kuisle family

The Weekly Wrap 5-25

May 25, 2014

♣ Republican Gubernatorial hopeful Jeff Johnson announced his choice for running mate, former state legislator Bill Kuisle. A couple of notes about Kuisle. Before he was elected to the state house as a Republican, he was a DFLer: After his surprising win over Frerichs in the primary in 1996, Kuisle told the Star Tribune: “I’ve […]

So, Franz Kafka was German, right?

May 24, 2014

Really, he was a German-speaker from Prague

It is entirely apt, I suppose

May 21, 2014

That the Institute for Justice got the injunction on behalf of money

Marion Greene and Carly Melin

The Weekly Wrap 5-18

May 18, 2014

♣ Former State Rep. Marion Greene defeated St. Louis Park Council-member Anne Mavity 54%-46% for the Hennepin county commissioner seat left open by Gail Dorfman. Congratulations to Commissioner-elect Greene. ♣ The DFL announced the schedule for the state convention, in the last weekend of May, in the beautiful city of Duluth, in the Duluth Entertainment […]

Benghazi, merchandised

May 14, 2014

This baby is available at CafePress, but you will have to find it on your own. This is the most straightforward and honest expression of what the new “select” House committee’s Benghazi investigation fiasco is about that I have seen. This also sums it up pretty well: [T]he likelihood of the select committee actually uncovering […]

For McCain it is all nails, everywhere

May 13, 2014

The US Military is not a hammer Sen. McCain.

A “Don’t Miss” Drinking Liberally

May 12, 2014

That’s Thursday, May 15th

Jim Oberstar

The Weekly Wrap 5-11

May 11, 2014

The Wrap™ was on vacation last week, so this week will contain some items that are a bit moldy from sitting on the counter for an extra week. ♣ Don’t forget that this Tuesday the 13th a bonus election will be taking place for the Hennepin County commissioner seat being vacated by Gail Dorfman. The […]

Stewart Mills: choose him for the experience

May 9, 2014

The US Chamber of Commerce has an independent expenditure teevee ad touting Stewart Mills for Congress. If you watch the metro television stations from, say, Northfield, you might conclude Mills is running against John Kline. But you would be mistaken, of course, since Mills lives in the Brainerd area and is running against Rick Nolan […]