Free at last! Free at last!

January 22, 2014

The Viking stadium is litigation-free today – Michele Kelm-Helgen

These men shovel dirt II

January 21, 2014

It is Tuesday, end of the business day, and the Supreme Court has still not done its duty and dismissed the request of three citizens of Minneapolis to enforce both the Minneapolis charter and the Minnesota constitution. And while I think that plaintiff Doug Mann and his co-petitioners have made a good constitutional case, some […]

Drinking Liberally on January 23rd

January 20, 2014

An event featuring great music & information about sulfide mining in Northern Minnesota

Yvonne Prettner Solon

The Weekly Wrap 1-19

January 19, 2014

♣ In a move that was shocking to pretty much no one, Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon announced on Monday that she will not be part of the DFL Gubernatorial ticket in 2014. The question now is who will join the Dayton re-election ticket. And while I have no idea who that will be, there […]

Tempest, meet Teapot

January 17, 2014

More fodder for Ben’s sheltered workshop

These men shovel dirt

January 14, 2014

On this man

Picking dogs and candidates

January 13, 2014

They’ll do the judging in a really little tent

Minnesota State Capitol

And now, on to the Senate

January 13, 2014

In the previous story about new campaign finance contribution limits, I discussed candidates for the Minnesota House. Just as in the case of the House, Under prior law, a candidate for the Senate could receive individual contributions of a maximum of $100 in a non-election year and $500 in an election year. Now, it’s $1,000 for the […]

Kurt Daudt

The Weekly Wrap 1-12

January 12, 2014

It’s that time when politicians running for office release their fundraising numbers, so that will be the majority of what appears in The Wrap™ this week. ♣ First up, State Senator Dave Thompson: State Sen. Dave Thompson of Lakeville, one of six Republican candidates for governor, said his campaign raised more than $120,000 last year […]

Minnesota State Capitol

I think I am maxed out, Representative

January 9, 2014

Oh, hey, not a problem!

The United Watershed States of America

The Weekly Wrap 1-5

January 5, 2014

♣ Minnesota State Senator John Pederson has dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination for the sixth congressional district. Said Pederson: The bottom line is the schedule that the campaign demands is something that we weren’t willing to be able to invest in at this time. So… he didn’t realize that a campaign […]

Whining our way to greatness

January 5, 2014

It’s a win – win situation