elephant ears

Elephant ears at the county fair

July 24, 2012

The family has been working at the county fair to bring in extra money: husband fellaslipper parking vehicles, and son dudeslipper directing them. During a momentary lull in traffic the subject of politics came up. One of the other guys parking cars said he supported Sarah Palin. Fellaslipper asked, “You’re a working guy around my […]

North Shore River

Sulfide mining interest comes to the north shore

July 24, 2012

Auction includes new areas of exploration

Back for a return engagement!

July 24, 2012

The opera buffa L’amante (The Paramour)

student loan backpack

Student loan default rife at Minnesota for-profit colleges

July 24, 2012

50 for-profit programs with more than 50% default


Means matter

July 23, 2012

All weapons are not created equal

Verbal bullying

Dither, dither and more dither

July 23, 2012

Deadline? What Deadline?

Man, ignorant of Objectivsm, saves little girl

July 17, 2012

Suffers injury needlessly

At long last, Michele, have you no shame?

July 16, 2012

Raising money with Tail Gunner Joe

Our heavy metal man of Jesus meets the judicial system

July 15, 2012

Court dockets, federal jurisdiction, Colorado River abstention, and Bradlee Dean’s ego

Ted Lillie looks

Ted Lillie waxes poetic

July 13, 2012

Someone who has achieved everything all by himself with no help from anyone, wants the same for the rest of us

A school bus named “Kurt”

July 11, 2012

Please return him to Keith Downey

Mining Truth: about those jobs, jobs, jobs (Part 4)

July 10, 2012

New mines can’t erase long-term earnings stagnation