Betsy Hodges

The Weekly Wrap 11-9

November 9, 2013

It’s been a few weeks since I did The Wrap™, having been distracted by new polls the last two weeks. But The Wrap™ returns, to do it’s Wrapy thing once again and all of Minnesota Politicoland rejoices. ♣ First off, the unofficial election results from the elections on Tuesday in Minneapolis that had to go […]

Surly Five

Elections Live Blog

November 5, 2013

[liveblog] Pictured above is a bottle of Surly Five that I pulled out of my beer cellar for just this occasion. This occasion being an election of course. But not just an election, no no no, a very special, 35 contestant, Ranked Choice Voting open seat Minneapolis Mayoral election. Plus a whole bunch of competitive […]

integrity yo

The Weekly Wrap 10-5

October 5, 2013

Not much happened this week as far as The Wrap™ is concerned (being the persnickety beast that it is, The Wrap™ deals only with, or mostly with, elections news and not process and policy, or lack of process and policy, news) as all of the oxygen in the world of politics is being sucked up […]

Mark Andrew

The Weekly Wrap 9-21

September 21, 2013

Mark Andrew responds to the Strib poll and Julianne Ortman’s campaign roll out continues

Sample Ranked-Choice Voting Ballot

Gary Schiff learns about Ranked-Choice Voting

June 27, 2013

Gary Schiff was the first DFLer to drop out of the Minneapolis Mayoral race, citing the lack of a path to victory in the aftermath of the Minneapolis DFL convention. He gave an interview to MinnPost after withdrawing from the race and shared some thoughts on his now defunct campaign for Mayor. In the course […]

Zellers as Deer in headlights

The Weekly Wrap 6-22

June 22, 2013

Zellers to announce, Abeler, Benson, Hilstrom get in and Schiff gets out

Tony Petrangelo at Drinking Liberally

The Weekly Wrap 6-15

June 15, 2013

More Republicans, and even some Democrats, pile into MN-6

Capitol steps

The Weekly Wrap 5-25

May 25, 2013

♣ Almost immediately after announcing his support for the now passed into law Marriage equality bill, Joe Radinovich, a DFL Representative from Crosby, faced the threat of a recall. Earlier this week Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lori Gildea ruled, “not so much.” Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Lori Gildea has ruled that Reps. Joe Radinovich, DFL-Crosby, and John Ward, […]

420 Dinner

The Weekly Wrap 4-19

April 19, 2013

Are you going to the Humphrey-Mondale dinner on 4-20? If so, bring me back a brownie

Jim Graves

The Weekly Wrap 4-13

April 13, 2013

♣ Yet another Some Dude business type (the other being Scott Honour) has indicated that he might be running against Al Franken in 2014. Mike McFadden of the firm Lazard Middle Market has been meeting with political consultants and Republican Party leaders to talk about a possible run. The MNGOP really doesn’t have much of […]

Tim Kelly

The Weekly Wrap 4-5

April 5, 2013

♣ Mike Obermueller is getting company in his effort to unseat Minnesota second congressional district Representative John Kline: Sona Mehring, a political newcomer who founded the CaringBridge website, which connects the ailing with their loved ones, said Monday that she plans to run in Kline’s Second District. So does Mike Obermueller, a former state lawmaker […]

Minneapolis Mayoral Debate Participants

The Weekly Wrap 3-29

March 29, 2013

♣ Michele Bachmann find herself in the news once again, this time not for things that she said, but rather things that she did or didn’t do on her way to finishing sixth in the Iowa caucuses: The Daily Beast has learned that federal investigators are now interviewing former Bachmann campaign staffers nationwide about alleged […]