
Why did the Latino vote shift?

May 18, 2021

It wasn’t a great big shift, by any means. And it’s debatable, at best, that it in and of itself cost Democrats the electoral votes of Florida and/or Texas, and/or the Texas House. But it was significant, and it’s concerning. (I don’t use “Latinx,” and here’s why.) Biden won around two-thirds of Latino voters overall, […]


What a great chance for Senators Klobuchar and Smith to show some real gumption

January 8, 2021

I wrote this, on another blog, when Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) made her POTUS run official, in 2019. AKlo’s political approach has always been to pick the safest position on every issue, and stay there as if welded down. It’s made her electorally invulnerable in Minnesota, and has absolutely nothing to do with being a […]


I told those stoned fuckers not to do that

November 10, 2020

From this, written by me, some time before the election: It’s different now. There is a very straightforward path, and a very doable one, to make it legal in Minnesota soon. Governor Tim Walz supports legalization. The DFL-controlled House is fairly chomping at the bit – they know damn well what a winning issue this […]


Why I’m not particularly worried about Election Night, or after

November 2, 2020

I know doom-and-gloom about Trump stealing the election, and mass violence, and so on, are dominating the progressive internet right now. But I just can’t bring myself to feel it. Earlier today, one of the most right-wing federal judges in the country threw out an effort to disqualify a bunch of mostly Democratic votes. He […]


Don’t panic over court ballots deadline decision

October 30, 2020

But do what you have to, to get your vote counted


MN-01: Rep. Hagedorn sticks to Trump like a limpet

October 22, 2020

Regarding Rep. Hagedorn’s recent scandals, I don’t personally care about the Grand Canyon thing. Lots of people, from all walks of life, are always trying to score perks like that. It would be good if all of our elected lawmakers held themselves to higher standards, but, throughout the entire world history of politics, yeah, right. […]


Muslim-bashers aren’t getting it done, in Minnesota politics – Part 2

August 13, 2020

(Part 1 here.) As noted in Part 1, the haters failed to keep Keith Ellison out of the Minnesota Attorney General’s office, in 2018. Against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), they tried a different approach, this time. There wasn’t the same kind of out-loud bigotry. Instead, they tried a “less divisive,” even supposedly “progressive,” campaign. And […]


MN-01: Rep. Hagedorn’s history of deranged, bigoted nonsense is not just history

July 27, 2020

Recent stuff: In a Facebook post published on June 23, Congressman Jim Hagedorn (R-MN) used white nationalist rhetoric to condemn the Black Lives Matter movement. Hagedorn wrote that the Black Lives Matter movement is “at war with our country, our beliefs and western culture.” He insisted that Americans must oppose the Black Lives Matter movement […]


MN-08: Ditching Rep. Stauber, Part 1

July 18, 2020

I live in MN-08, though so close to its south boundary that if I was literally less than a half-mile south of where I’m sitting at my desk right now I’d be in MN-06. Which would in a way make this easier, because Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN-06) is, given his obnoxious, arrogant demeanor, and the […]


Winning MN-08

July 9, 2020

Quinn Nystrom will be the DFL candidate for the U.S. House, from Minnesota Congressional District 8. Here’s her website. Some background, for non-Minnesota politics junkies. For a long, long time MN-08 was considered deep blue. It was represented for decades by the late James Oberstar, who rarely if ever had much trouble getting reelected…until the […]


I’ll be voting for Sanders on Super Tuesday

February 23, 2020

With comments.


Kurt Daudt sets a “dog-whistle racist” tone for 2020

January 27, 2020

“Dog-whistle racism” is a weird phrase, when you think about it. I mean, the whole point of a dog whistle is that humans aren’t affected by it, right? But we all in fact know what political dog-whistle racism really entails, and that’s what matters. For example: “People want to be able to visit a Twins […]