Did you ever have to make up your mind?

March 25, 2018

We live in interesting times here in Edina, Dario, no?

“People don’t care one iota”

April 2, 2017

The Minnesota House of Representatives passed a transportation bill: The Minnesota House on Friday approved a $2.2 billion transportation plan that would boost state spending on roads and bridges and likely force cuts to public transit. Here’s what the bill’s chief author, Rep. Paul Torkelson, R-Hanska, said about the it; the bill contemplates spending $6 […]

Ron Erhardt is the far better choice for women

November 5, 2016

This story is necessary because of the odious effort to smear a long time and popular Edina representative, Ron Erhardt. The Republican house caucus campaign committee figured a smear was necessary, because there was no way on earth it was going to defeat Ron on policy. Heck, the people who put this stink bomb together […]

Minnesota State Capitol

Ron Erhardt is still the guy

November 2, 2016

To sit in the House, that is

Who the [blank] is “The Northstar Leadership Fund?”

October 3, 2016

Update: It is always gratifying when a newspaper article is published subsequently that confirms what you wrote, here about the EpiPen price gouging. This lit piece arrived in my mailbox this weekend: It was sent, not by Anselmo’s campaign, but by a group that lists its address as on the 48th floor of the IDS […]

The dog in the manger

August 21, 2016

And the guy who wants to bunk in with him

Ron Way endorses Ron Erhardt in 49A

March 13, 2016

Ron Way, former Assistant Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, official with the U.S. Department of Interior, staffer on Capitol Hill in Washington, reporter for newspapers, including the Star Tribune, and frequent contributor to the Strib and MinnPost, is a resident of House District 49A in Edina. Ron supports Representative Erhardt for re-election. Here […]

Dario Anselmo believes in the Tooth Fairy

October 14, 2014

And he wants you to believe, too!

#49 debate, part six

October 7, 2014

Some parting words from Barb

#49 debate, part five

October 5, 2014

“What bill?” asks the Republican candidates

Let there be holes in the ground, part two

October 1, 2014

Thus spake Mike

#49debate, part 2

September 29, 2014

The 49A candidates talk about transportation funding