Sen. Sean Neinow

The Weekly Wrap 4-6

April 6, 2014

♣ American Encore sponsored a poll of the Minnesota Senate race, conducted by Magellan Strategies, that resembles the following: Magellan (4/2, no trend lines): Al Franken (D-inc) 44 Julianne Ortman (R) 41 Some other candidate 6 Undecided 9 Al Franken (D-inc) 44 Mike McFadden (R) 38 Some other candidate 6 Undecided 12 (MoE: ±3%) This […]

Lots of Shareholder Value

The Weekly Wrap 2-23

February 23, 2014

♣ Another Minnesota legislator has announced her retirement: Longtime Republican state Rep. Mary Liz Holberg, a conservative leader on privacy, budget and other issues, announced Saturday morning that she would not run for a ninth term. Holberg represented house district 58A, centered in Lakeville. 58A is an R+11 district according to hPVI, so most of […]

US Net Change Map

The Weekly Wrap 2-16

February 16, 2014

♣ The Republican Minority Leader of the Minnesota House, Kurt Daudt, will not get a free pass to endorsement this year: Oak Grove Mayor Mark Korin said today that he has filed the campaign paperwork and will seek the GOP endorsement. Korin is serving his fourth year as mayor of Oak Grove and runs an […]

Pile of Cash

Money Graphs

February 14, 2014

In which the author has fun with graphs (and maps!) of money

Mark Dayton and Tina Flint-Smith

The Weekly Wrap 2-9

February 9, 2014

♣ Last week current Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon announced that she will not be running for re-election to her post in 2014. Since than, and even before, there was much talk of who would be tapped to replace her on the ticket. Early this week Governor Mark Dayton revealed his choice: Gov. Mark Dayton […]

Yvonne Prettner Solon

The Weekly Wrap 1-19

January 19, 2014

♣ In a move that was shocking to pretty much no one, Lt. Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon announced on Monday that she will not be part of the DFL Gubernatorial ticket in 2014. The question now is who will join the Dayton re-election ticket. And while I have no idea who that will be, there […]

Kurt Daudt

The Weekly Wrap 1-12

January 12, 2014

It’s that time when politicians running for office release their fundraising numbers, so that will be the majority of what appears in The Wrap™ this week. ♣ First up, State Senator Dave Thompson: State Sen. Dave Thompson of Lakeville, one of six Republican candidates for governor, said his campaign raised more than $120,000 last year […]

Do you like congress or Nickelback better?

The Weekly Wrap 10-12

October 12, 2013

♣ On Monday I posted “Ask Me Anything: Ranked Choice Voting,” in which I invited readers, such as yourself, to ask me any questions they may have about Ranked Choice Voting. Next week I will start answering those questions. It’s not too late to get your question in. ♣ ICYMI, Minnesota’s Sally Jo Sorensen got […]

Jim Graves

The Weekly Wrap 6-1

June 1, 2013

Michele Bachmann announces her retirement and GOPers run one way, DFLers run the other

Al Franken

Al Franken holds steady

May 22, 2013

A PPP poll shows him over 50% against a slew of GOPers

Jim Graves

The Weekly Wrap 4-13

April 13, 2013

♣ Yet another Some Dude business type (the other being Scott Honour) has indicated that he might be running against Al Franken in 2014. Mike McFadden of the firm Lazard Middle Market has been meeting with political consultants and Republican Party leaders to talk about a possible run. The MNGOP really doesn’t have much of […]