Rebecca Otto speaks about mining policy at Drinking Liberally

May 11, 2017

State Auditor Rebecca Otto was the guest at Drinking Liberally on April 6th. She spoke about her run for governor next year, but she also spoke about her tenure as the state auditor and rejecting some non-ferrous mining leases as a member of the Executive Council of the state. Here’s a brief clip of her […]

Rebecca Otto

Disappearing the Auditor

February 7, 2016

A long time ago — not that long, really, now that I think about it — an effort was mounted to make a statewide elected official sleep with the fishes. You might say that it was a situation analogous to the one that State Auditor Rebecca Otto finds herself in at the moment. You might say that, […]

Eric’s “gotcha” question on Almanac

February 6, 2016

On Friday evening, February 5th, State Auditor Rebecca Otto was interviewed at the top of the Almanac program on TPT to discuss her just-filed lawsuit, filed in Ramsey County, to re-establish her authority to audit counties — which are sometimes prone to forget that they are inferior units of government, existing solely at the sufferance of the […]

Otto v. Wright County

February 5, 2016

Why the Legislature and the counties should lose

Rebecca Otto’s visit to Drinking Liberally: the video

October 2, 2014

On September 25th, State Auditor Rebecca Otto was our guest at Drinking Liberally. In the ten years (this month) of the chapter’s existence, she was the first incumbent state constitutional officer to speak to our group. Oh, sure, we’ve had mayors, congressmen, legislators, party leaders, academics, journalists, cartoonists, and lots of candidates, not to mention […]

Rebecca Otto at Drinking Liberally

September 22, 2014

September 25th, 6 PM at the 331 Club; Otto’s remarks at 7 PM

Rebecca Otto and Matt Entenza

The Weekly Wrap 7-20

July 20, 2014

♣ There have been a number of developments in the race for the most glamorous political position in the entire state of Minnesota, I’m talking of course about the State Auditor’s race. We’ll start with this ad from challenger Matt Entenza: This ad pretty well encapsulates Entenza’s pitch, which is; “I’m progressive, I’ll be an activist […]

Rebecca Otto

Can’t people change their minds anymore?

June 18, 2014

As website sidekick Tony reports here and here, former Minnesota House member and former (and future?) candidate for governor, Matt Entenza, is challenging incumbent State Auditor Rebecca Otto in the August primary. The issues Entenza raises, at least so far, are primarily Otto’s ten-year-plus-old votes on opposing gay marriage and on photo voter ID when she […]

Matt Entenza

The Weekly Wrap 6-15

June 15, 2014

KSTP/SurveyUSA released a poll last week that I will address in a future, standalone, post. In the meantime, The Wrap™ is here to scratch your Minnesota politics itch. ♣ Matt Entenza, candidate for state Auditor, filed a complaint this week against the incumbent Auditor, Rebecca Otto, with the Office of Administrative Hearings claiming that she broke […]

Rebecca Otto

Minnesota Primary Elections, annotated

June 13, 2014

Statewide Races This is by no means an exhaustive listing of all primary elections that will be taking place in Minnesota. Some of the primaries taking place feature perennial candidates or otherwise not serious candidates and are not listed here. Rather, this is a listing of the primary elections actually worth paying attention to. GOP […]

Matt Entenza

Matt Entenza to challenge Rebecca Otto in August Primary

June 4, 2014

Matt Entenza, last seen getting 18% of the vote in the 2010 DFL Gubernatorial primary, has filed to run for the office of state Auditor against Rebecca Otto, who was last seen getting endorsed by the DFL in their convention this last weekend and is the two term incumbent state Auditor. The last time Matt […]

Marion Greene and Carly Melin

The Weekly Wrap 5-18

May 18, 2014

♣ Former State Rep. Marion Greene defeated St. Louis Park Council-member Anne Mavity 54%-46% for the Hennepin county commissioner seat left open by Gail Dorfman. Congratulations to Commissioner-elect Greene. ♣ The DFL announced the schedule for the state convention, in the last weekend of May, in the beautiful city of Duluth, in the Duluth Entertainment […]