Latest Spotty ™ winner has read Charles Dickens

May 25, 2018

Maybe we should consult the Ghost of Christmas Present

Read the latest Spotty ™ winner

May 12, 2018

A man from Eden Prairie is the newest Spotty ™ winner

Carol C. White wins the coveted Spotty ™

January 27, 2018

There is a new section in the Strib called Inspired. Last week, it featured a story about a local effort to ship books (new and used, fiction, non-fiction) to Africa. The group has done an impressive job; it won’t surprise you to know it’s called Books for Africa. There was something that nagged me a […]

No Spotty ™ for you!

October 27, 2017

The letter of the day today in the Strib was a doozy, accompanied by a photo of Donald Trump waving as he boards Air Force One. Here it is: There is an old saying: “When you are on a plane, root for the pilot.” Good advice for the members of Congress, the media in general […]

Strib letter writer wins a Spotty!

July 5, 2015

Last Sunday, Katherine Kersen — after a layoff that obviously allowed her to build up a head of steam — had a commentary in the Strib decrying sustainability as a heretical plot. Well, a lot of Strib readers parked that hanging curveball in the seats. Today, the Strib published six (6) of them; not one supported the […]

A Spotty for pointing out a feat of legerdemain

April 28, 2014

Alex Hindin’s letter discussing the Strib’s Lee Schafer’s recent feat of legerdemain earns him the coveted Spotty™. Lee Schafer (“They vote Republican in the land of equality,” April 20) achieved what should be impossible — an extended discussion of voting patterns and income equality that ignores the prime determiner of both in America: race. The […]

The latest Spotty ™ winner!

December 10, 2013

New category, too: video

Woytanowitz wins Spotty!

November 11, 2013

The music will soar!

An ensemble Spotty award

July 18, 2013

Accepting pennies on the dollar from outsiders and colonizers

A retirement recommendation for the Pope

February 14, 2013

Wins a Spotty ™

A Spotty ™ winner on gun control

December 15, 2012

Donald Bronsky’s brilliant and bitter letter to the editor in Saturday’s Strib wins a Spotty™. It is vital to remember that now is not the time to be discussing anything resembling tighter gun-control legislation. It is far too early, and emotions are running too deeply, to discuss anything that would even begin to limit the number of […]

An (almost) election-eve Spotty winner!

November 3, 2012

Beware the “natural”