Pam Myhra

The Weekly Wrap 3-2

March 2, 2014

The legislative session began this week and already a bill has been passed by both houses and signed by the Governor. That bill will pump $20 million into the states Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, which was running dangerously low on funds due to a shortage of propane. Also this week legislators learned that they […]

Collin Peterson

NRCC sends Collin Peterson a message

February 21, 2014

The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has been sending Collin Peterson a message for months now. The message they’ve been sending goes something like “Please don’t run for congress again… pretty please!” This is the first time though that their message is taking on the form of a poll. The Tarrance Group (2/7, no trend […]

Collin Peterson

The Weekly Wrap 1-26

January 26, 2014

Fundraising numbers continue to roll in, so that will be the bulk of the focus for The Wrap™ this week. ♣ Minnesota’s Representative of the seventh congressional district, one Collin Peterson, announced his fundraising haul for the last period of 2013. That number is $165,000, with $357,000 cash on hand. Peterson has been the subject […]

David Gerson

The Weekly Wrap 12-8

December 8, 2013

♣ St Cloud State University, as they do in the fall, released a poll conducted of Minnesota to find out what we think of some of our elected officials. Below, the results: SCSU (12/2, no trend lines): How would you rate the overall performance of Mark Dayton as Governor? Would you rate his performance as […]

Al Franken

The Weekly Wrap 10-19

October 19, 2013

♣ Third quarter fundraising numbers are in, but the FEC’s website is still screwed up from the shutdown, so I’m going to crib this info from DailyKos Elections (all monies in thousands of dollars): CD Name Party Raised Self Fund Self Loan Spent CTD CoH MN-02 Mike Obermueller (D) $73 $0 $0 $46 $204 $119 […]

Do you like congress or Nickelback better?

The Weekly Wrap 10-12

October 12, 2013

♣ On Monday I posted “Ask Me Anything: Ranked Choice Voting,” in which I invited readers, such as yourself, to ask me any questions they may have about Ranked Choice Voting. Next week I will start answering those questions. It’s not too late to get your question in. ♣ ICYMI, Minnesota’s Sally Jo Sorensen got […]


Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation, Syria and 2014

September 7, 2013

[Editors Note: typically I do a Weekly Wrap™ on the weekends. This week I got about 600 words into the first item about the Syria vote and thought to myself (and here’s where the editor’s note goes even more meta), “self, you should just make this it’s own stand-alone post.” So that’s what this is. […]

Upset MNSure Lady

The Weekly Wrap 8-24

August 24, 2013

The link to the image above came from Joe in the comments. Steve wrote a series of posts a couple weeks back about Twila’s latest episode of windmail tilting. In those posts a billboard sporting the above stockphoto featured prominently. Another reminder that in a capitalist society, everything is for sale, even angst. “Wait a […]

John Kline

The Weekly Wrap 7-27

July 27, 2013

Kline under 50% and a possible game changer in the third


The Weekly Wrap 7-21

July 21, 2013

Talking money, candidates and lines on the map

Chris Kluwe at Vote No

The Weekly Wrap 5-10

May 10, 2013

It was a big week in Minnesota politics as we found out that Gay Marriage will soon be legal

Tim Kelly

The Weekly Wrap 4-5

April 5, 2013

♣ Mike Obermueller is getting company in his effort to unseat Minnesota second congressional district Representative John Kline: Sona Mehring, a political newcomer who founded the CaringBridge website, which connects the ailing with their loved ones, said Monday that she plans to run in Kline’s Second District. So does Mike Obermueller, a former state lawmaker […]