St. Cloud State University

Better Know a Senate District: 14

June 4, 2012

St. Cloud offers two of the DFL’s best pickup opportunities this cycle

The Weekly Wrap 6-2

June 2, 2012

♣ The DFL convention is going on today. Expect the level of drama to reach unexpected new lows. Aaron and I will be live blogging the proceedings… for what reason I don’t know, perhaps to avert boredom, we shall see. ♣ Senator John Harrington announced on Monday that he will not run for re-election. He […]

More Wisconsin recall polls, only five days till election

June 1, 2012

With time running short in the Wisconsin recall election, the polls have begun to ever so slightly shift in Tom Barrett’s direction, the caveat to this, is that most of the recent polls to have come out have been released by groups supporting Tom Barrett. The public polls that have been released don’t paint the […]

Better Know a Senate District: 51

May 31, 2012

The GOP flipped all three seats in Senate district 38 in 2010. In 2012, some of those deposed incumbents are trying to take back their seats.

What the heck is PVI anyway?

May 30, 2012

And what other metrics are out there for measuring political districts?

Better Know a Senate District: 49

May 29, 2012

The GOP currently holds all three seats in this district and the DFL could take them all in November

The Weekly Wrap 5-26

May 26, 2012

There was a Solar Eclipse this week, once again proving that Copernicus was just chasing grant money

Another day, another three (!) Wisconsin recall polls

May 25, 2012

Three more polls of the Gubernatorial recall in Wisconsin came out yesterday, after I had already published a post about five other polls that had come out in the previous couple of weeks. There was an internal poll for Tom Barrett. Garin Hart Yang (5/24, no trend lines): Scott Walker (R-inc) 50 Tom Barrett (D) […]

Mike Maguire steps aside

May 24, 2012

DFLer Jim Carlson now faces rematch with GOP Sen. Ted Daley

Wisconsin Recall Polling Roundup

May 24, 2012

With two weeks to go till election day, Walker maintains a slight lead

Better Know a Senate District: 54

May 23, 2012

What does John Kriesel’s surprise decision not to run for re-election mean for the GOPs chances of holding the A side of this district?


Which numbers are the right numbers?

May 22, 2012

» Post updated below The question in the title of this post comes from a Twitter discussion I had with @NorthernMNer yesterday. He asked: @TonyAngelo So is the better metric to understand Kath’s district #mnleg races, presidential, governor? — NorthernMNer (@NorthernMNer) May 21, 2012 A little background, Kory Kath announced his retirement from the Minnesota […]